우선 야후를 보겠습니다.
- 이익은 $310 million (작년 같은 분기 $118 million보다 세배 많은 이익)
- Earnings per share는 22 cents (작년 같은 분기에는 8 cents)
- 총매출은 작년보다 1프로 오른 $1.6 billion. 실제 매출은 작년보다 살짝 떨어진 $1.13
- 직접 광고 매출은 작년보다 20프로 신장
- 2분기 전망치는 $1.6 billion ~ $1.68 billion
이제 VMware를 보죠. 두구두구..
* Free cash flow per share for the quarter grew 56% year over year to $0.78. Free cash flow per share for the trailing 12 months grew 36% year over year to $2.39.
* Free cash flow for the trailing 12 months was $972 million; growth of 40% year over year
* Revenue growth of 35% to $634 million from the first quarter last year.
* Non-GAAP operating margin of 27.6%
* We closed the acquisitions of RTO software and Zimbra (Ionix and Rabbit too, but technically that was Q2 – so props then!)
* Our balance sheet remains strong, with $2.8 billion of cash and $1.4 billion of deferred revenue
* We are providing revenue guidance for the 2nd quarter of between $635 and $665 million and annual 2010 revenues to be in the range of $2.625 and $2.725 billion, an increase of 30% to 35% from 2009.
마지막으로 우리 완소 애플의 실적을 볼까요.
- Revenue of $13.50 billion and net quarterly profit of $3.07 billion. These results compare to revenue of $9.08 billion and net quarterly profit of $1.62 billion.
- Gross margin was 41.7 percent, up from 39.9 percent in the year-ago quarter.
- International sales accounted for 58 percent of the quarter’s revenue.
- 2.94 million Mac computers sold during the quarter, representing a 33 percent unit increase over the year-ago quarter.
- 8.75 million iPhones sold in the quarter, representing 131 percent unit growth over the year-ago quarter.
- 10.89 million iPods sold during the quarter, representing a one percent unit decline from the year-ago quarter.
애플의 실적은 정말이지 후덜덜이군요. 야후도 생각외로 잘했고, 이 회사는 지금보단 앞으로 잘할지가 좀 궁금하긴 하군요. VMware도 꽤 잘했군요.
정말이지 따스한 봄이 찾아오고 있다는 느낌이네요. 아직 직장 못잡으신 분들은 따스한 봄을 맞이할 준비를 서둘러야 될 것 같습니다.
그래프 좋아하는 분들 위해서 살짝 챠트도 넣어 보아요.
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